Wednesday, 10 March 2010


Just a swift picture of the day, while I'm thinking about it:

This is Bracey & myself, entitled "Jem, do this, it makes it look like we don't have necks"...

& this was Easter last year...obviously...Can you guess what Bracey was dressed as?

& a couple more, just because when I was looking through pictures of Bracey & I to put up here, I noticed just how many there are of us with face paints:

This was for no apparent reason, one night at home...

This was for my 20th birthday - I was a pink tiger & Bracey was a stained-glass window!

I can't wait 'till we live (practically) in the same city at the same time! ♥



  1. Haha the queens of face painting, you two are alot like me and my bf (who I should be reunited with soon when we both take the big step of moving to London!).....keep up the good work fellow fashionista!

    Check out my blog and become a follower at


  2. Dear lord, you are absolutely stunning in the first picture and in the rest of them your still as stunning.
