After spending much of the day reading other peoples blogs (partly on a recommendation via
twitter) & it made me realise that I haven't posted anything of interest in
However I'm partially inclined to blame this (in a roundabout way) on the boy - blogging was usually something I did when he was playing something on the my background is more grandmother-shaped, & a hellofalot more "Oo, did you see that?", & "now, not to be annoying, but what does this button do?". Aka; distracting!
However, I have made myself a short list of things to blog about (I find this helps. Mostly because during the day I think of things that would be cool to blog about, but promptly forget five minutes later!)
The 'list' is as follows (in a slight shorthand, which will allll become clear later. Hopefully):
- Job hunting- new plan.
- Top five fave brands & why?
- Making notes with a black marker
- HW, Sj & Lyzz coming to visit
- Need for picnics/BBQs in parks
- Bank Holiday in Soton
As these are in no particular order, other than the way I thought of things, I shall start with the one that makes most sense at the beginning, although probably the least sense on the list;
Making notes with a black marker.
I guess I just wondered if anyone else feels the same about this...When making a 'to-do list', or just general scribbles to myself, I really enjoy using a black marker pen to do so. Like a Sharpie or something.
Ha, this picture was called 'angry sharpie' - I think it's quite sweet, seeing as it not only includes a "thank you", but also a smiley face =) I'm a fan.
So moving on from that pointless piece of information...
Job Hunting - New Plan.
This is basically a short idea about a new plan I have job-hunting-wise. Because it's been about three weeks now that I've been applying for jobs & hearing one of three responses - 1. Time wasting - getting me to phone them, asking me questions, asking me if I have used (insert computer program I've never heard of) to which I say no - which they should have known already based on my CV, & then hearing nothing(!). 2. Phone/face to face interview, but being told I don't have enough experience, or 3. Nothing at all.
All of this gets a little depressing after a while, sooo I figured that the best thing for me to do would be to apply for internships!
I really think that this would be a good idea because not only would it give me some experience & therefore look good on the CV, it also means that I can go for different jobs/companies for a few months at a time before either deciding exactly what it is I want to do, or (ideally!) being offered a job at a company that I not only know I can do, but will really enjoy!
Because I had a think the other day - if someone was to ask me where I would like to be in five or ten years time, I would say in a job that I really enjoy, within a really nice, friendly, creative company, doing something that I look forward to doing every day. Ahh, I can but dream!
Oh yeah! So the rest of my plan is to get regular work (in a shop, or something along those lines) for a couple of months 'till I have the pennies to work for free :]
Next on my list is HW, Sj & Lyzz coming to visit.
Not all at once, obviously, but during the next month I am going to have quite a lot of visitors!
This obviously requires pictures!
(Lyzz & I, looking sexy)
(Sj & I...we've been working out...)
(An old pic of Me & Helen - dressed as super girl - looking fabulous!)
Lyzz is the first, as she has some time off next week! Think she's coming on the Sunday night, & staying for a coupla days, which will be nice. Due to lack of funds, it means we'll have to find some fun, free things to do, but in London that shouldn't be too hard! In addition to this, her other half Oli happens to be in the big smoke for the next couple of weeks too, so I expect we'll meet up with him, & our other friend Danni (who works in selfridges & gave me free cakes! New favorite cake person - pics soon).
I'm not sure if Helen or Sj will be next on the visiting front - I know Helen & her other half Adam will be down for a day or two over the May bank holiday, which will be really nice. Especially as Adam (from what I can gather) doesn't really know London that well, so will be nice to show him it's really quite a delightful place!
(Sj & I a couple of years ago outside Buckingham Palace)
Which made me think of my next point - Need for picnics/BBQs in parks. I'm not fussed whether they're in Soton, or London, or even Eastbourne/Brighton...I would very much like a picnic (or BBQ if there are boys around to tend to it) + good friends + gin&juice + frisbee or something similar + music of some sort + sunshine. Now if someone could just arrange the weather accordingly, that would be grand. Please & thank you.
And while on the subject of London - a poster I
love! (On the left).
Oh! My other two points (Bank Holiday in Soton & Top Five Brands & Why?) I think should go in a separate blog entry, so I shall do that in a bit.