Friday, 17 February 2012

My Picks from Tumblr #8

A slightly wordy version this time...I do love Tumblr & the gems it throws up!

My nails this week: 

In honour of V-day, along with these:


In other news, had a 'Boner Night' The official term right there - like a date night, but with more excitement! (Was going to explain that it's a standard female boner thing, but then read the description & it's not quiiiite what I mean...) with the BFF, during which we discovered possibly the best toilets in the world & remembered just how much we love living in London <3

Now just waiting for payday to roll around before we go somewhere else & do it all over again! 

Any suggestions for places to go in central welcomed - but in general we're pretty up for the whole getting-lost-and-loving-it thing :)

As for now, I'm just gonna sit back & watch the #LFW tweets roll in! 

Thursday, 2 February 2012


Just a swift post to share the cutest thing I've seen all day...

Bloody love owls <3