Golly gosh it feels like I've been busy recently! It really makes me appreciate taking photos whenever the opportunity arises though, as otherwise I probably wouldn't remember half of these things so clearly or be able to share as easily...
Before the festive spirit really kicked in, I was taken to Amsterdam!
As I've been before (with Lyzz while at Uni), so there wasn't the usual pressure of a city break to see & do everything. Which meant we had a lovely time just wandering around, enjoying the Dutch-ness of it all.
(this is a shop called Cheese & More. With cheese & a Christmas tree in the window. What else could you possibly need?!)
Then I started getting into the Christmassy spirit in a big way;
Winter Wonderland with Bracey (trip 1 of 2!)
Christmas shopping in Selfridges (not the most festive of decorations, but I really did love the paper birds they had hanging everywhere)
Decorating Fit Flat
And teaching the others how to make these beauties! Considering doing a separate post on the making of these, as I've shown them to 5 different people now & the reaction is always so cute when they're done. Who cares it's not Christmas anymore, right?
And then watching very high brow television total rubbish.
I then went home & noticed something a little out of the ordinary...
The Dogs advent calendar!
Amazing roast dinner numero uno...
And dins number 2!
All in all, it's been uhmazing.
I heart Christmas <3