Stupid game.* *I may be slightly biased, as I get a touch angry when I can't get past a certain place in a game. This is why I don't usually play video games
But it's pretty cool that chrome are giving it away for free today!
What with that, and Google's Homepage today, it's pretty ace :]
Speaking of games (of the computer/games console variety), there are a couple I don't generally mind, and one I even request to play with The Boy when we have time to do nothing.
One of the games I don't mind playing - and I say this having lived in a house with four other people who loved playing all sorts of games - is Skate.
I can see how it might get a bit boring after a while, but it's quite quiet and the sound might grate on some, but it's the kind of repetitive noise you grow to quite like I think...That, and do a great impression of! Ha.
Another I don't really mind is Viva Pinata. This is quite a girly game, I suppose, because it's got cute made up animals and you have to grow things for the animals to eat so that they evolve! (Which is a lot more exciting when it happens, trust me).
See? Cute! Again, it's a game where you can go at your own pace, and no one's going to shout at you if you get killed, or whatever. Ideal!
But the one that I really do enjoy playing and request to play is Heavy Rain.
"Heavy Rain's story is a dramatic thriller modeled after film noir, featuring four protagonists involved with the mystery of the Origami Killer, a serial killer who uses extended periods of rainfall to drown his victims. Ethan Mars is a father who is trying to save his son from being the next victim, while investigative journalist Madison Paige, FBI profiler Norman Jayden, and private detective Scott Shelby are each trying to track down clues to the Origami Killer's identity."
Just reading the synopsis makes it sound like a really engaging film, and playing it is even better. I love that you can take control of the characters - a great example of this was when The Boy had just bought it, and was playing with our housemate. I wasn't playing as I'd just got in from work but stuck around to watch (it really does look amazing - if you're into the way films look, I'd recommend it just for the atheistics), and they were playing the part of the journalist Madison Paige.
She's a young woman (I'd say mid 20's, but they probably tell you her age somewhere in the game), and had gone into this creepy old man's house to ask him questions about the killer. The old man left the room, so Dan & our housemate James had the choice to look around the room, and you choose where she looks, how long for, etc.
Anyways, they had a little look around & after not finding anything sat back down just as the old man was coming back into the room with drinks for him and for her.
The old man offered Madison a drink, and Dan & James had to decide wether to drink & be polite, or be rude & refuse.
I tried my best to perswade them not to drink the drink, as not only was he not drinking, but you didn't even see him making them!*
But being boys with controllers in their hands, they ignored me...and she was poisoned!!!
Acemazing game, definitely play it if you have the chance. I'd totally recommend it to anyone, especially if they don't usually play games.
*Totally been paying attention to all the police in school who told us we were going to be spiked every weekend...Eastbourne's such a lovely place!
Most other games, I find are good & all but when I can't do something...or get stuck somewhere...I just have no patience! But I suppose there are worse things to get angry about :]