Thursday, 5 May 2011

Sans Vous, ma petite un.

Out of interest - if you're reading this & have me on Twitter, tweet me your favourite film quotes! & not the "I love lamp" type - nice ones, please :)

The tattoo on my right foot reads "Sans Vous" (or phonetically - "soun vou").

It's French for "without you" - a quote from the film Amelie. It's short for; 
"Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterdays". 

Scurf means just bits and remainders, such as dandruff and the scummy bit left in the bath. 

I take this to mean that without 'you' (and I like it, because it can apply to anyone who causes you to react to them in any way), the emotions felt today would just be the scummy remainders of yesterdays emotions - like there would be nothing new, and it would just be a bit blah...if that makes sense?

Usually when people ask what it means, I just say "without you" - which in turn, sounds a touch 'emo', but I don't necessarily want to explain the full meaning to just everyone...

So I do think it's pretty awesome when people I actually know really well, or have known for a long time, or those who just listen & remember know what it's short for - they're few & far between!

And I do think it's reasonably important that when someone has something marked on their body for life, that if you're told why, you generally most of the time the storys behind tattoos are awesome :) 

Can't wait to book the next one! 


Ps. If you've never seen Amelie...take the time, it's totally worth it.

The film itself is subtitled, but the only English trailers have a ridiculous American Movie Voice over the top, which ruins it! 
I reckon this, & Vanilla Sky are probably two of my favourite films...possibly a topic for my next post :) this space!