Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Swiftly, briefly, nothing

Just a swift something - I don't have photoshop at the moment, so have to go the long way round to see what I'd look like with different hair...

*Edit: I was going to post the 'finished' picture here, but it's just too darn creepy - using polyvore instead of photoshop means it looks a little like I've ripped off my face & slapped it on someone else's. Hannibal Lecter-stylee. 

So enjoy the mental image instead! :)   

**Edit number two (the scary picture I made just popped up on Polyvore & I realised it's just too funny not to share (I hope, anyways :) ))

I can't really be blamed - who wouldn't want hair like that, right? 
And *skills* like that too, perhaps? Ha. 

Hunting for a hairdressers at home to go & visit at the weekend, so fingers crossed all goes to plan :}

Monday, 25 April 2011

Dreaming of a space to count sheep...

The time to move out of my Gran's (actually really lovely) house & into a flat of my own, with my BFF Sj is drawing ever nearer - & I couldn't be more excited!

The contract on her current flat (in Southampton) is up at the end of June, so we've got May & June to flat hunt! Which is going to hopefully be super fun! :) 

In the mean time, it means I can have bit of a think about how I'm going to decorate my room. This is really rather exciting because it means buying new bed linin, throwing away a whole bunch of rubbish & having a lovely new sanctuary - which I guess is pretty standard with a new house! 

The bedding-thing especially excites me because I've been putting off buying anything that could be classed as 'decoration' or 'furnishings' since I've been in London as I was staying with my Gran, & really didn't want to make it feel permanent. But now...! 

This all leads to looking at dreamy pictures of bedrooms, and other people's houses in general, mostly on Elledecor.comSweethomestyle.tumblr.com & the 'interiors' sets on Polyvore.com

Quite liking the general simplicity of this picture...I guess as more of a 'mood board' than anything else, but it's cute.

Love the fuzzy chair! Is it just a rug that's been put on a regular chair? If so, I know what I'm going to be getting at Ikea!

(Both above, from ElleDecor)

I selected 'bedroom' & 'beach' & these were just a couple of what they came up with! Uhmazing. 

The idea of having a balcony coming off the bedroom is just dreamy <3 

Soft white bedding will always look irresistible! Plus, I think I just really quite like this picture - it reminds me a lot of a picture my friend Oli took (he did photog at Uni & it was part of a project) of my bed when we lived in the same house a couple of years ago. I swear his pictures just make everyday objects look like something amazing. Super talented person, really. 

I think I really just want somewhere I can paint white, have super soft bedding with just the right amount of far too many pillows, minimal clutter and the biggest bed the space can take :) 

All of the above, in London, on a budget...easy, right? 


Thursday, 21 April 2011

Online Shopping

Is pretty much making my life right now - I don't get paid until next week (and might just wet myself with excitement!), so right now browsing online is like window shopping, but from the comfort of bed...ideal <3

Catching my attention right now is a lot of stuff from Topshop - usually I'd be loving the dresses, but not so much at the moment. It seems to be the week for cute sweatshirts & bikinis - a slightly odd combo, but when you're 'shopping' from bed, anything goes;





A little visit to Westfields after work on Thursday might be in order...(!)

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A quick catch up.

So I now have a macbook! And am fully loving it like a child ♥ 

The other (slightly more major) news is that I have a job!(!!!)
Not just any job either, but Marketing Assistant at Tomas Lyte.


It's pretty awesome so far - I've been to a sample sale, lunches, drinks, and seen  pretty much how the whole business works, which has been really interesting! So much so, I feel that I could probably bore anyone who would let me to death with how trophies are made, how to gift wrap something properly and all about SEO & affiliate marketing...Laaavely.

Other things that I've been up to recently...

It was Bracey's birthday at the weekend! Which obviously meant:
Slough + Local Pub + Engagement parties + cocktails + shots + 90% of people vomming & lots of fun in the sun :) (not quite in that order though!)

(L-R) Sarah, Holly, Adam, Bracey, Liam, Fran & Megan.

Totally better than candy necklaces!
More or less how the evening went...classy ;)

Wish I'd taken a picture of the massive fry up I had the following morning. Deeelish. 

And The Boy's gone off on tour! Cheeky devil. 
The new band he's joined are pretty awesome & have supported people like Zebrahead & Less Than Jake & I'd seen the old lineup play a few times over the years spent in Southampton, so I knew they were pretty awesome :)

They're called Kids Can't Fly - check 'em out if you like happy, upbeat ska! (shameless promo, but I honestly would recommend them!)

It's generally been quite a lovely couple of weeks, just seeing friends & learning a mind-boggling amount at work! 

Therefore I'm off to hop into bed and watch the rest of Katie - my beautiful friends. Really makes me not only feel so grateful that I don't have any serious medical conditions, or have been the victim of any horrific attacks, but also really inspiring from an entrepreneurial point of view - here's a girl who's only...25(ish?) & she's set up a charity, made these programs and helping so many other people. What a winner <3

Nighty night xo