Sunday, 29 August 2010

Lovely bit of fcuk....

On my way to work, I usually slow down & have a little bit of a window-shop (aka daydream) in front of the French Connection windows - they are lovely
However for the past couple of weeks, it's not been the clothes that have caught my eye & made me stop, stare & smile - it's been the adverts. 
They're about...10 foot high I would guess, in a mixture of black & white & colour. The general theme is 'The Man' & 'The Woman'. 


I personally think the reason this works so well is because The Man is the type of manly-man women would like their men to be, (& I suspect men would like to be), & the women is very feminine, yet both of them have a certain amount of attitude & humor. 
I reckon it personifies the French Connection brand pretty accurately, as well as being something lovely/amusing to look at!

Wednesday, 11 August 2010


“The first thing you forget about a person is their voice.”

I disagree. 
In my mind, I can still recall a certain accent, or the way some of my best friends say things slightly differently, putting emphasis on different parts of words.
I hope I never forget those things.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

If you can't say something nice...

This past week or so (my birthday! But more of that hopefully tomorrow), I've been called "really positive" & "always really happy" by a couple of people...

I guess you just have to think of it this way; 

Gotta love the Bambi! 
